Make All Your Clothes Look More Stylish, Instantly.


The Penny Chief  | 860mm on the Diagonal, Points South

“He is dressed in a denim shirt and a corduroy waistcoat, a neckerchief tied raffishly at his throat” Grace Coddington’s first impression of David Bailey, 1960.

The predicament: you’re going to a ‘thing’ and it requires smart casual but right now the skin at your neck feels as empty as the Route 6 highway to Utah. A tie would be too formal, a tee shirt too exposed and an unbuttoned shirt too bland.

Enter the incredibly simple style tool you never knew your wardrobe needed. The Penny Chief. And why is your wardrobe so keen on it? Because it makes everything you put on look instantly more stylish with an ease that appears accidental.

The Chief is no ‘look at me’ statement piece, in fact it’s a fashion understatement, but in its own subtle way it will make you appear interesting and very quietly elevate your whole look. And the good news is you don’t have to be David Bailey, Johnny Depp or Ray Winstone to pull it off.

A neckerchief creates balance and like all good layering, slightly adjusts the body’s dimensions making it a strong choice for mid-aged and older men or those who might like to deflect attention, for whatever reason, from other areas.

Not to be confused with a bandana or cravat and without the awkwardness of a scarf worn not for warmth – the dimensions of the Penny Chief are unique, (860mm on the diagonal, points south). Not too bulky on the neck, not to long on the chest and handmade in Merchant & Mills soft woven linen, the Chief will crease naturally to the shape of your body and clothes, expressing an easy style and comfort that only a good heritage piece can bring.

 The neckerchief was the neckwear of the working classes: the blacksmiths, the farmers, the ranchers, the sailors, the cowboys, carpenters and cooks. And like the working men themselves, their neckwear was not simple adornment, but multi-functional…..  worn over your nose and mouth, it was a filter from dust or fumes. In the event of an accident, it could be used as a sling, (or more direly, as a tourniquet.)” 

Mr Thompson in his blog Dress Like a Grown Up

If the occasion requires smart casual possibly with immediate access to an emergency tourniquet, the Penny Chief is a perfect non-showy style solution to the bare throat issue, don’t over think it, Bailey wouldn’t.

Available at this site in reds or blues, price £10.

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